Welcome Prof. Drs. Iryna Sikorska
Welcome Prof. Drs. Iryna Sikorska
The Jean-Monnet Center is pleased to welcome Prof. Drs. Iryna Sikorska as a visiting scholar at Freie Universität Berlin.
Due to the war in Ukraine, her home Mariupol State University was dislocated to Kyiv. After a short stay at the University of Michigan Prof. Sikorska has accepted a research grant by Stiftung Volkswagen which required a liaison with a German institution.
We have been honored by her choice of the Jean-Monnet- Center of Excellence at Freie Universität Berlin to continue our long -time academic cooperation in the frame of activities of the European Union like Erasmus+ and Jean-Monnet schemes. JMC /Berlin has also cooperated with the Ukrainian Association of Professors and Researchers on European Integration (APREI,, founded by Prof. Sikorska in 2015.
In the frame of her research grant Prof. Sikorska works on EU-related reforms in higher education in Eastern Partnership countries: an analytical assessment and search for opportunities of improvement“ .
I am positive that Prof. Sikorska will enjoy the vibrant academic environment at Freie Universität and the excellent research landscape of Berlin.
We are looking forward to an exciting scientific venture.
Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle
Modern Political Economics, handouts of previouse sessions.
Please download:
- Session 2: Economics: Pure and Simple
- Session 3.1 Economics: Pure and Simple
- Session 3.2 History of Ec. Science
- Session 4.1. Some kind of summary (see 3.2.)
- Session 4.2 Economics: more sophisticated – a trifle only.
- Session 5. An Interlude †Using Brains (see 4.2)
- Session 5.1 Handout distributed in paper / Session 5.2 Bastard Keynesianism and proceedings
New Publication: Resilience and the EUs Eastern Neighbourhood Countrie
We are delighted to inform you about the publication of the book "Resilience and the EUs Eastern Neighbourhood Countries" at Palgrave Publishing House has been published.
read more:
Handout first Session
Modern Political Economics: Science? What`s that?
- please download the handout here
Course Information
Monday 28th: NO seminar, Reading Time
All the best,
Your JMC Team
New Academic Website: Global Visual Politics
After more than ten years from the creation of "The Visual Archive Project of the Global Imaginary", the new academic website dedicated to global politics is online.
The Image as a Political Theory
We live in a world dominated by images and in which images shape political events and how we understand them. Indeed, visual images not only represent and reflect the world, but also affect and reshape the embedded ideologies and the connected systems of values they carry out. In that sense, visual images produce theory by playing a strategic role in the symbolic and social construction of people’s historical consciousness. Continuously produced by phone cameras and professional cameras, drones, satellites and surveillance cameras, visual images are everywhere, able to record, represent, and display almost everything. Analyzed for scientific purposes or stored in archives to be further interpreted for academic research or security reasons, in the Global Age of the digital revolution the continuous flow of visual images is rapidly shared and consumed by people, mostly in the different materiality of the Internet and of the social web. Yet, there is a dearth of research addressing the political power of images in constructing global politics. The Global Visual Politics is a digital media archive that collects visual images related to a broad range of political themes, such as protest, peace, violence, religion and gender. In accepting the methodological challenges and the symbolic power of the visual, the archive addresses the images as political theory. A case study in itself, the project aims to investigate how visual images respond to global political events and to what extent political images displayed in their own right contribute to the emergence of a global visual culture, under present conditions of globalization. Through a theoretical and empirical discussion, the project addresses the following research questions: “Do visual images produce theory?â€; “What is the symbolic power of an image?â€; “Do images have power, or are we giving power to images?â€; “How do visual images respond to global political events and how do they shape them?â€.
We hope that the website can of some interest for you and that you will enjoy it.
Go to:
Certificates for professionals offered by the Center for Global Politics
The CGP offers single courses on masters level.
The Center for Global Politics offers non-degree post-graduate certificates to gain expertise in a topic which is relevant for your future job-related development. The certificates serve as a springboard for the next step in your career and can be a further professional credential in an increasingly complex global environment. The online modules provide master-level specialization at a smart pace without requiring completion of a full range of courses.
We offer single courses in the fields of International Relations and East European Studies. The topics of our modules range from energy, migration, food, law to media and global flows. Also, competencies like bargaining, projectmanaging, and intercultural communicating are trained. Optional workshops provide the opportunity to practice and apply what was learned. You can either choose up to three Stand Alone Modules or one Module Bundle.
Finanzmarktintegration in der erweiterten EU: Folgen für die Stabilität des europäischen Bankensystems
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. LARYSA SYSOYEVA Finanzmarktintegration in der erweiterten EU: Folgen für die Stabilität des europäischen Bankensystems
Wo: Osteuropa Institut der FU Berlin, Garystr. 55, Seminarraum B
Wann: Montag, 10. Juli 2017
Zeit: 16:00 c.t. bis 17.45 mit anschließendem prosecco und bretzeln
Das Jean Monnet Center of Excellence an der FU Berlin freut sich Sie im Rahmen des Seminars „Modern Political Economics" von Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle
zu einem Vortrag einzuladen Prof. Dr. LARYSA SYSOYEVA Finanzmarktintegration in der erweiterten EU: Folgen für die Stabilität des europäischen Bankensystems
Prof. Dr. LARYSA SYSOYEVA arbeitet als Associate Professor für Finanzen, Banken und Versicherungen an der State University, Sumy, Ukraine und ist gegenwärtig Research Fellow der Alfried Krupp Stiftung, Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. Sie leitet als wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin das Modul Jean Monnet "Finanzielle Aspekte der europäischen Integration" und ist Autorin zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen (darunter 3 Lehrbücher und 6 Monographien) in englischer und deutscher Sprache.
Resilience of the EU and leverage of the ENP
Good News and Bad News
Good News and Bad News
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle, Oliver Flaeschner B.A.
Please download our prentation here
Presentations by Prof. Dr. Bolle and Oliver Flaeschner, B.A.
The EU is blessed (some say: cursed)
by never being and forever becoming
- time horizon unknown!
- Michael Bolle, Oliver Flaeschner (2016): "Resilience of the EU and leverage of the ENP Good News and Bad News" Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle
[ Bolle_Iaisi_Presentationfinallong.pdf ] - Michael Bolle, Oliver Fläschner (2016): "Moulding National Preferences to the Will of EUrope: The Aggregation Problem Unsolved" Michael Bolle
[ PPP_Bolle_Brusselsfinal.pdf ]
Prof. Michael Bolle: European Crises, Even External Ones?
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Michael Bolle, the director of the JMC Berlin, at the International Jean Monnet Conference in Riga, Summer 2014.