Oliver Pamp

Address | |
[ o.pamp@jmc-berlin.org ] | |
CV | [ CV_AcademiaSep08.pdf ] |
Fields of Interest
- Political Economy of Fiscal Policy and Social Security Reform
- New Political Economy
- Positive Political Theory
- Inequality and Redistribution
Selected Papers and Publications
- Oliver Pamp (2008): "Sustainable Convergence and Pension Reform in Central and Eastern Europe" in: Stuchlik, Andrej (Hrsg.): Rentenreform in Mittel- und Osteuropa. VS-Verlag. (with Michael Bolle)
- Oliver Pamp (2008): "Partisan Preferences and Political Institutions: Explaining Fiscal Retrenchment in the European Union" European Political Economy Review, Vol. 8, (Spring 2008), pp. 4-39
- Oliver Pamp (2008): "Income Inequality, Redistributional Spending and "Director's Law": An Empirical Reinvestigation" Working Paper (with Philipp Mohl)
- Oliver Pamp (2008): "Explaining Fiscal Retrenchment in the European Union: Rational Decisionmaking and Institutional Constraints" Saurugger, Sabine / Deschaux-Beaume, Delphine / Delori, Mathias (Eds.): Pour un debat sur les apports et limites du choix rationnel en science politique. Paris: Economica.
- Oliver Pamp, (2008): "Income Inequality & Redistributional Spending: An Empirical Reinvestigation of Competing Theories, " Public Finance and Management [Forthcoming], (with Philipp Mohl)
- Oliver Pamp (2007): "The (Fiscal) Price of Diversity: Preference Heterogeneity, Electoral Institutions and Budgetary Performance" Working Paper. (with Philipp Mohl)
- Oliver Pamp (2006): "The Political Economy of Fiscal Retrenchment: An Empirical Investigation." in Bodenstein, T. and M. Bolle (Eds.): After Eastward Enlargement: Political Economy Perspectives on a New Europe. BWV.
- Oliver Pamp (2006): "It's politics, stupid! - EMU enlargement between an economic rock and a political hard place" CESifo Forum, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 22-28. (with Michael Bolle)
- Oliver Pamp, H.-D. Jacobsen (2005): "Die EURO-Zone. Das neue Kerneuropa?" in Franzke, Jochen (Ed.): Europa in der Denkpause - Wege aus der Verfassungskrise. Brandenburgische Landeszentrale fuer politische Bildung.